Product Code - OO9440

Fit - standard

Th journe i ofte a rewardin a th destination wit unexpecte experience an challenge tha shif an shap ou perception o th worl aroun us Th Odysse Collectio capture th uniqu essenc o life?? adventure wit a inspire collectio o eyewea tha combine th lates seasona color wit leadin edg technology

Chas th nex adventur i th Oakley Clifden th ultimat mountaineerin glas buil t protec agains th elements Th styl merge Prizm Len Technology,bes i clas len technology withbes i clas fram desig engineere wit sid shield andbridg blocke fo protectio an a integrate leas fo stowag an convenience.

DESIGN Functiona spor desig buil t provid th ultimat i comfor an protectio t enhanc performanc experience i hig ligh exposur

SE MOR DETAILS Availabl withrang o differen Prizm??now Wate an Everyda lense tha ar designe t enhanc color contras an detai s athlete ca mak th mos o an activit

N SLIP Unobtainium nosepad increas gri wit perspiratio t hel kee eyewea securel i plac withou sacrificin comfor

PROTECTION Interchangeabl an removabl bridg blocke an Unobtainiu sid shield designe t bloc glar an kee face protecte

LEASH Wit th integrate 20? lightweight highl flexible coate wove stee leash athlete o al level wil b abl t reliabl wea Clifde o thei fac o nec s the ca worr les abou thei eyewea an mor abou th condition aroun the

LEN OFFERING Availabl with: