
100% Organic Cotton


Standard Fit



Product Features

Fair Trade Certified Sewing


Fair Trade Certified Sewing - For every Fair Trade Certified item produced for Patagonia, they pay a community-development premium.

The money goes into an account controlled by the cooperative of farmers or association of factory workers who decide how best to use it.

The funds are designated for social, economic and environmental development projects.

For example, cotton farmers may choose to use the money for agricultural improvements, rainwater catchment systems or to build a school or a health clinic.

Workers in Fair Trade factories may invest in healthcare for their children, bicycles for easier transit to and from work or a cash bonus.

All workers in the factories and farms that make Fair Trade Certified clothing benefit from the funds, whether they work directly on Patagonia products or not.


Organic Cotton - Grown without petroleum-based fertilizers and pesticides, organic cotton is healthier choice for the Earth, the people working in the fields and for you the consumer.

Here's why:

When compared to conventional cotton, organic cotton per 1,000kg of fiber used in apparel results in:

46% less CO² equivalent emissions (which are significant contributors to global warming)

70% less SO² (Sulfur Dioxide) equivalent emissions; a driver of soil acidification and thus, acid rain.

26% less PO4³ (Phosphate) equivalent; a measure of eutrophication potential (the potential for the creation of aquatic dead-zones)

62% less primary energy demand (PED), measured in MJ, from non-renewable sources like petroleum and natural gas that depend on fossil resources.

The consumption of up to 91% less non-rain water (blue water) while typically requiring less irrigation.